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Adrenaline Luxe IDOL - Customer Pattern by Caustic Customs


Verisart Certificate of Authenticity

Обычная цена €2.523,95


Note that these images show a default design. The actual anodized finish will be as described below.

Adrenaline Luxe IDOL in customer pattern is the product to choose if you want to design your own Adrenaline IDOL and have it anodized by Caustic Customs. Note that when selecting dual finish/3D finish, which is when the marker is both polish and dust, it will automatically add $100 to the price. Please be descriptive and we will contact you should we need further information. While these prices cover most designs by Caustic, should your design be overly complex we will contact to you to determine if you wish to revise your design or pay any necessary overage.

This Adrenaline Luxe IDOL is a highly customized version of the Luxe IDOL. Features include:

  • Comes standard with both electronic and mechanical frames
  • The mechanical frame has the Adrenaline timer by Garmin as well as the extended Adrenaline mechanical trigger and the Adrenaline Dragon wooden grips (stock rubber grips also included)
  • Both frames include matching Adrenaline ASAs
  • Adrenaline Spool
  • Autococker threaded Adrenaline barrel (the only cocker threaded Luxe on the planet)
  • Full-body Adrenaline Dragon 3D milling with dragon scales or dragon skin on every part (including barrel) created from our own private extrusion
  • Adrenaline SAS Freak XL insert (.686)
  • Enlarged vertical foregrip
  • Adrenaline Bernoulli Bolt system with Adrenaline versions of the bolt, bolt can, bolt guide and bolt guide extension which were designed using fluid dynamics for improved velocity and efficiency
  • Tungsten Disulfide (WS2) coating on both the bolt and the bolt can
  • The Bernoulli Bolt, SAS insert with PTFE (using the 2nd slickest dry lubricant in existence) and WS2 coated bolt and can (using the slickest dry lubricant in existence) combine to create a synergistic effect beyond any Adrenaline innovation in our 27 years
  • Adrenaline Exterior Case
  • Adrenaline Interior Cases
  • Custom Adrenaline bootup screen
  • Adrenaline Titanium Nitride tool set including 7/64" and 9/64" which are absent from the standard IDOL tool set (standard set also included)
  • Adrenaline collector's box for an unparalleled unboxing experience
  • The ID card slot in the Adrenaline case will contain the Adrenaline IDOL certificate of authenticity card with QR code seal verified by Verisart
  • The certificate of authenticity, owner, anodizing pattern, serial number and all subsequent transactions are recorded on the block chain to provide ownership identity to help eliminate resale fraud

The Dragon Reigns Supreme

Adrenaline снова внедрила инновации и заключила партнерское соглашение с Verisart, чтобы положить конец «законным проверкам» в социальных сетях для вторичных продаж пейнтбола. Если в названии продукта Adrenaline указано «Сертификат подлинности Verisart», то он будет включать физическую QR-печать Adrenaline , связанную с цифровым сертификатом подлинности, выданным Verisart и хранящимся в блокчейне Биткойн. Вся последующая деятельность по передаче, а также текущий владелец и держатель сертификата подлинности сохраняются (и могут быть проверены любым потенциальным покупателем) в публичном блокчейне. Все сертификаты Adrenaline можно просмотреть, распечатать, поделиться и перенести из вашей учетной записи в разделе Adrenaline NFT. Для получения полной истории, распечатанных сертификатов подлинности и дополнительной информации нажмите «Защитить свое искусство».

Процесс Сертификации
